I sit at my desk looking at my blog. I haven't been active with it in a while. Too busy with the podcast, young family of three and my various business interests. I look down at my comments for each post and realize something...
I got a spike in comments every time I discussed Masonry and technology. My latest example was my discussion on Twitter but there have been others. Hmmmmm....
And I'm interested in web technology as most of you can tell. Who else wants to create an online podcast and stay up late on a Sunday talking about Masonry on a computer to other people around the world? So I'm contemplating the future purpose of this blog and what I should be discussing.
Any comments or suggestions from my readers, who are probably wondering what I've been doing anyway?
I look forward to hearing from you. And yes you can Twitter me (@dbk) as well, or find me on facebook.
And don't disappoint me OK? Leave me a comment. I want to hear from YOU...